Ensure You'll Never Wait for Hot Water
Intelligently enable recirculation in your home to have hot water faster when you need it. Rinnai tankless water heaters have built-in pumps with Smart-Circ™ Intelligent Recirculation™ that learns your schedule. No dedicated return line, no problem. A thermal by-pass valve added to the cold water line helps ensure recirculation is enabled, and your unit takes it from there. Plus, take it to the next level with an RWM200 Wireless module (optional | sold separately) to Wi-Fi enable your tankless water heater, and control the schedule from your phone.
Recirculation Benefits
Waiting for hot water can be frustrating, costly, and wasteful. Recirculating technology eliminates the wait, so hot water is always at the ready. Our technology permits this even if your home does not have a dedicated return line.
How Intelligent Recirculation™ Works
If your home does not have a dedicated return line, select Rinnai tankless water heaters can offer faster hot water without adding an additional cold return line. This technology allows for the simple installation of a thermal bypass valve at the fixture farthest away from the water heater. Once installed, the unit temporarily uses the cold water line for recirculation.
Recirculation Accessories
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Compatible Tankless Models

Compact, powerful units that can deliver hot water in up to six places around your home.
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Offering the highest output of our condensing line of tankless units best for larger homes
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